Default Action and State nodes

A simple example using the DefaultAction and DefaultState classes.

Verbose Nodes

First, we define derived classes that print nicely and make the dynamic calls visible

from metaprompting import State, Action, Graph, connect

class VerboseAction(Action):

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Action({id(self)})"

    def input_trigger(self, input):
        print(f"{self} was triggered by {input}")
        if super().input_trigger(input):
            print(f"{self} was executed")
            print(f"{self} was NOT executed")

    def execute(self):
        print(f"executing {self}")
        return super().execute()

class VerboseState(State):

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"State({id(self)})"

    def update(self, text, *args, **kwargs):
        print(f"updating {self}")

Basic Manual Setup

We can manually create a graph of connected state and action nodes using basic operations.

For this, we create the state nodes, create the action nodes, and connect them (note that the order matters)

root_1 = VerboseState()
root_2 = VerboseState()
root_3 = VerboseState()
leaf_1 = VerboseState()
leaf_2 = VerboseState()

action_1 = VerboseAction()
action_2 = VerboseAction()

connect([root_1, root_2, root_3], action_1)
connect([root_3, root_2, root_1], action_2)
connect(action_1, leaf_1)
connect(action_2, leaf_2)

Updating all root state nodes triggers a cascade of executions and updates (execution of an action only happens after all inputs were updated)

root_2.update(" and ")
updating State(140350212726336)
Action(140350212721632) was triggered by State(140350212726336)
Action(140350212721632) was NOT executed
Action(140350212727392) was triggered by State(140350212726336)
Action(140350212727392) was NOT executed
updating State(140350212727008)
Action(140350212721632) was triggered by State(140350212727008)
Action(140350212721632) was NOT executed
Action(140350212727392) was triggered by State(140350212727008)
Action(140350212727392) was NOT executed
updating State(140350212723264)
Action(140350212721632) was triggered by State(140350212723264)
executing Action(140350212721632)
updating State(140350212728256)
Action(140350212721632) was executed
Action(140350212727392) was triggered by State(140350212723264)
executing Action(140350212727392)
updating State(140350212729408)
Action(140350212727392) was executed

Note how the different input order leads to different values in the two leaf nodes

smoke and mirrors
mirrors and smoke

Graph Objects

The Graph class holds all nodes and provides some convenience functions for working with graphs.

graph = Graph()

(root_1_, root_2_, root_3_,
 leaf_1_, leaf_2_) = graph.add_states([VerboseState(), VerboseState(), VerboseState(),
                                       VerboseState(), VerboseState()])

graph.connect_action([root_1_, root_2_, root_3_], VerboseAction(), leaf_1_, add=True)
graph.connect_action([root_3_, root_2_, root_1_], VerboseAction(), leaf_2_, add=True)


root_2.update(" and ")

[State(140350212727440), State(140350212728496), State(140350212732240), State(140350212720576), State(140350212720624)]
[Action(140350212726624), Action(140350212725856)]
updating State(140350212726336)
Action(140350212721632) was triggered by State(140350212726336)
Action(140350212721632) was NOT executed
Action(140350212727392) was triggered by State(140350212726336)
Action(140350212727392) was NOT executed
updating State(140350212727008)
Action(140350212721632) was triggered by State(140350212727008)
Action(140350212721632) was NOT executed
Action(140350212727392) was triggered by State(140350212727008)
Action(140350212727392) was NOT executed
updating State(140350212723264)
Action(140350212721632) was triggered by State(140350212723264)
executing Action(140350212721632)
updating State(140350212728256)
Action(140350212721632) was executed
Action(140350212727392) was triggered by State(140350212723264)
executing Action(140350212727392)
updating State(140350212729408)
Action(140350212727392) was executed
smoke and mirrors
mirrors and smoke

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.005 seconds)

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